Friday, September 14, 2007


-Get a doctor to identify the cause before anything else is done

1. Do not just retire to a soft sofa

2. Take one day of rest or two days at most after the onset of pain

3. Ice bags are helpful at this stage along with doctors prescribed muscles relaxation and non- steroidal anti inflammatory medications.

4. After that get up on your feet and start walking, walk through the pain.

5. Prolonged Bed Rest will do more harm than good; because rest causes your back muscles to weaken rapidly.

6. Most back problems fortunately resolve themselves in four to twelve weeks.


  • Question: Are backaches caused by Arthritis? Answer:- Backache are a common disorder that affects many people, four out of five (5) people will suffer from them at some time in their lives. Back problem is a common cause of disability, missed work days and other problems.

Over 80% of back problems are due to overwork or under exercised muscles.

These strained muscles may suddenly go into a sustained contraction or spasm and become a hard knotty mass, signaling body distress by sharp pain.

Only about 10% of low back pain is from Osteoarthritis or a disc problem.

Only a few suffer back pain from other specific serious injury.


Answer: This is different from osteoarthritis in that it results from inflammation of the joints with weakness, swelling, pain, fever, rather than from injury or wear and tear.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an immune disease related to asthma, hay fever, eczema, and other diseases that have an allergic component.

Repeated attacks over the years produces muscles that gradually stiffen and cause disfiguration of the joints, mostly the wrist and finger joints.

Since Rheumatoid arthritis is longed been closely intertwined with immune (defense) system certain immune protein complexes deposited in the joints play a key role in the defunction of cartilage that takes place. These protein antigens have been known to be absorbed intact from the small intestine without being digested.

Question: Do you mean that what we eat causes heart attacks?

Answer: Yes- Major Culprits are excessive fat and cholesterol. It leads to narrowing, hardening and eventually clogged up of vital arteries that supply the heart with oxygen. This is called [Artherioslerosis]

People are born with clean flexible arteries; they should stay like that throughout life.

Many however clog up cholesterol, fat and calcium- a concoction that gradually hardens and eventually chokes off needed oxygen supplies.

It is recorded that those that change their food habit from eggs, meat, diary products to diet of potatoes, grains, beans, roots and vegetables, leads to dramatic decrease in arteriosclerosis related diseases such as heart attack, strokes, diabetes, gall stone, cancers, arthritis.

”Heart diseases before age 80 is our fault Not God’s fault nor natures will”


Disease with a thousand cure

Definition: This is a term for a disease or abnormal processes occurring in the joints, our joints and ligaments like our muscles wear with use and need to be constantly repaired. Repair of any part need free access to oxygen and other nutrients.

Inadequate circulation leads to weaken ligaments, joints fluids decrease and cartilage wears away.


· Osteoarthritis: common type, common in older populations or after injury or excessive wear and tear to a joint. E.g in football injuries- known as traumatic arthritis

· Arterioscleroses or clogged arthritis, reduced blood supply to joints and causes joints and ligament weakness, therefore improving blood circulation by reflexology, hydrotherapy, massage and physiotherapy improves arthritis


It is becoming increasingly common now in Nigeria, it is in hundreds of thousands in America, many die yearly from heart attacks. It is found on dinner table.

KILLER FOR DINNER-Billon dollar Disease industries (fast foods)

Question: Do you mean that what we eat causes heart attacks?

Answer: Yes- Major Culprits are excessive fat and cholesterol. It leads to narrowing, hardening and eventually clogged up of vital arteries that supply the heart with oxygen. This is called [Artherioslerosis]

People are born with clean flexible arteries; they should stay like that throughout life.

Many however clog up cholesterol, fat and calcium- a concoction that gradually hardens and eventually chokes off needed oxygen supplies.

It is recorded that those that change their food habit from eggs, meat, diary products to diet of potatoes, grains, beans, roots and vegetables, leads to dramatic decrease in arteriosclerosis related diseases such as heart attack, strokes, diabetes, gall stone, cancers, arthritis.

”Heart diseases before age 80 is our fault Not God’s fault nor natures will”


Instead of fad diets, try a membership to a gym. Get the junk out of your diet, and replace it with all the things that are natural. Do not skip meals, take smaller portions; skipping meals make you hungrier, nip the craving for eating by taking fresh juices especially when sipped slowly through a straw. Let the liquid run over the tongue, the taste buds are satisfied without the need for sugary or salty high fat foods.

Is there too much on your plate?

Slim your salad down

Supper Salad dressing

1/4c. Water

¼ tsp Italian seasoning

1/4tsp Garlic powder

1/4c. Lemon juice

¼ tsp. onion powder

1/4tsp salt (optional)

Taste Bud Satisfier

1 cup tomato juice

1 cucumber

1 beet

1 red bell pepper

1 carrot

1 bunch of parsley

3 brocolli Horete

½ cup ice or bottled water

Dash of chilli powder or Tabasco. Juice first, sieve ingredients add ice or water and spices, and then sip slowly.

Combine all and shake well-let it seat it gets even better with age.

Above all else guard your heart for it is the well spring of life.

Americas worst killer diseases (written by Allen Ludington, M. D and Hans Diehl Dr HSC, MPH))

  1. Heart disease
  2. cancers
  3. stroke

After these more people now suffer currently from Diabetes which for some will cause final demise.

All the four (4) killer diseases, share one common root: heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes

They all involve the harmful accumulation of fats in your body

1. Heart disease and fat: Fats clogs the blood vessels and leads to reduced oxygen supply to the heart muscles, it has to move harder against a clogged artery. It soon thus over a period of time wears out the muscles of the heart. This leads to heart diseases. Closed blood vessels also cause blood pressure to increase. Therefore increased cholesterol as well as triglycerides formed from stored carbohydrates with elevated pressure, suggest the heart may be in trouble (i.e. increased Risk of heart disease).


· Too much sugar, refined food, salt, fat, protein, beverages and snacks in our diet is a deadly mix, only by eating less of these substances and eating more whole plants foods can we enjoy optimum health and energy


Think fruits- every colour, any texture any flavour.

Go for vegetables, all types: Potatoes, yams legumes- all types of beans- chickpeas, lentils

Grains – The main stay of a good diet and gold mine of delectable and healthful foods.

Eating whole- Plant foods will furnish all fat, protein, fiber and all nutrients the body needs.

It is cheaper and easily gotten, it safes money and brings health. It prevents all the killer diseases and gives optimum energy for lifetime


He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity “Proverbs 21:23

What you do not know about could hurt you.


“Many of us are digging our graves with fork, knife and hands.”

Too much of everything is bad- Excess of fat, protein, sugar, cholesterol, salt leads to too many calories, such leads to high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, obesity and several types of cancer. These diseases lead to 3 out of 4 deaths in America. What you don’t know about eating could hurt you.

  1. Refined Sugar- empty naked calories. They promote obesity.
  2. Salt- Promotes high blood pressure, heart failure and kidney diseases
  3. Refined foods- Removing roughages is removing the protection from certain cancers, removing stabilization of Blood sugar, is also removing the control of weight and removing the protection from good digestion, therefore is the cause of gallstone, hemorrhoids, diverticularity and constipation.
  4. FAT- This block up blood vessels, causes impotence, heart and brains suffer, causing over weight, diabetes and certain cancers
  5. Proteins- Animal proteins in large quantity increases cholesterol, less amount is best for good health.
  6. Beverages- These drinks are loaded with calories e.g minerals, beer, coffee, soda pop sweet drinks etc They could [play] havoc with blood sugar level and sabotage weight control efforts.
  7. Snacks- Now Nigeria is joining in the new sophistication of fast food joints, schools, day-care centers even hospital [require] snacks.

They even carry snacks home well planned family meals are now exception.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007