Friday, September 14, 2007


It is becoming increasingly common now in Nigeria, it is in hundreds of thousands in America, many die yearly from heart attacks. It is found on dinner table.

KILLER FOR DINNER-Billon dollar Disease industries (fast foods)

Question: Do you mean that what we eat causes heart attacks?

Answer: Yes- Major Culprits are excessive fat and cholesterol. It leads to narrowing, hardening and eventually clogged up of vital arteries that supply the heart with oxygen. This is called [Artherioslerosis]

People are born with clean flexible arteries; they should stay like that throughout life.

Many however clog up cholesterol, fat and calcium- a concoction that gradually hardens and eventually chokes off needed oxygen supplies.

It is recorded that those that change their food habit from eggs, meat, diary products to diet of potatoes, grains, beans, roots and vegetables, leads to dramatic decrease in arteriosclerosis related diseases such as heart attack, strokes, diabetes, gall stone, cancers, arthritis.

”Heart diseases before age 80 is our fault Not God’s fault nor natures will”

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